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There’s a reason ‘community’ is in our name - connecting with each other is a big part of what we do here at MCC! If you’re new here, or wanting to find out how you can connect in further, here are some great ways to do it: small groups, prayer, and serving. There’s a place for you here!





Small groups are a big part of the vision here at MCC. There is a sense of belonging that comes in a smaller group context that the larger Sunday morning gatherings just can't provide. Our vision at MCC is to be 'Real People Following Jesus' who are 'Loved - Equipped- Sent'. Small groups are part of how we live out this vision.

There are a number of small groups that meet throughout the week; some groups have a special focus, but all include prayer, Bible reading + discussion, and time for connection. Food and fun activities also feature during the year!


Once or twice a year, our MCC small groups join in with a whole church focus on a particular topic, where Sunday morning teaching and small group discussions are aligned. The rest of the year, groups choose their own topics and material for discussion, or can be resourced with discussion material by the small group coordinator if they prefer.

We would love for you to get connected in at MCC; click the button below to find out more about joining a group that’s right for you!




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Have something on your mind that you’d like prayer for? Nothing is too big or small for God, and we love praying for our MCC family and community. We can meet with you, have a chat on the phone, and/or you can send your request to our Prayer Link. Prayer Link is a quick way to get people praying immediately for your needs, by texting the message to a team of people [your details can remain anonymous] - fill out the form below so we can get in touch and pray for you.


We have a group of faithful people, ready to pray! We are always looking to expand our team; if you have a passion for prayer and would be interested in joining the team, please fill out the form below and our Prayer Link co-ordinator will be in touch.



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Serving is an important part of our community at MCC, where we can carry our shared vision together, and encourage each other.

How can you get involved with serving at MCC? There are so many opportunities to get involved across the various gatherings, programmes and outreach at MCC. Whether it be with our kids, Sunday gathering team, serving at community dinners - there is a place for everyone.

You may have an idea of where you’d like to serve, or you can simply say ‘I’m available’ and we can match you up with a great team! Click the button below to send us a message and find out more.