At MCC, we believe we are called by God to give to His work, here in our local massey community, and beyond.
We believe giving is a voluntary act of love. It’s up to each of us to determine privately, what we want to give to God’s work, without pressure. We are grateful for your faithful giving - lives are being changed!
Your generous giving allows us to resource and equip a wide range of people and ministries, including our staff, children’s ministries, both local and overseas mission and organisations, special events, and emergency funds which provide resources to families in need in our local community, as well as our operational costs.
You may have heard us mention our help fund during our online gatherings - this is a separate account that you are able to donate to that allows us to resource those in need in crisis situations i.e. COVID lockdowns, floods or local emergency situations. If you would like to give specifically to this fund, use the word ‘HELP’ as reference, along with your name.
Automatic payment / Direct credit: Massey Community Church - ASB 12 3085 0131387 000 - Please use your name as reference; if your giving is for a specific event/ purpose [e.g. camp, food bank] please make sure to note that in the ‘code’ section of your online banking so we know where the money should go!
Cash: via our giving dropbox during Sunday Gatherings, or arrange another time with our Administrator.
Tithe.ly: You are also able to give securely via. Tithe.ly for one off or ongoing gifts - click the link below:
[please note, there is a small fee applied if giving via Tithe.ly]