
Here at MCC we aren’t just about gathering on Sundays; there are programmes and events happening throughout the week both on site and in homes. Find out more here - and of course, send us a message if you’d like to find out more!


Our new Sunday Rhythm has started - with ‘In the building’ and House Church Sundays. Each week is different; a chance to connect with others, all together and in smaller groups.

TUESDAY 10AM - 12NOON - A women’s bible study for those keen to get into the word and apply it to life. Aroha Tuatahi is all about coming back to our first love.

Mainly Music-33.jpg

THURSDAY 10AM - Mainly Music happens every Thursday during term time. Dance along with your pre-schoolers to all our favourite songs! We’re on break until the second week of term two - find out more here:

WEDNESDAY 10:30AM - 12NOON - A weekly rotation of waiata, creatives, music and movement, cooking and the occasional mystery week. All welcome.

THURSDAY 7PM - Celebrate Recovery - Join our CR community every Thursday night. Click here for more details:

MONDAY 5:30 PM - On the last Monday of each month we have a Community Dinner, where everyone is invited to join in for a themed dinner. Koha/donations welcome.





MCC leadership are pleased to confirm the continuation of House Churches alongside larger gatherings in our buildings. Read on to understand more about what this will look like.

Our 4-weekly Sunday Gathering Rhythm

MCC leadership has decided to move forward with the following rhythm as a result of prayerful discussion and taking into consideration congregation feedback.

Week 1: In our MCC buildings

  • Usual MCC worship likely

  • In-person sermon

  • Thrive & Youth programmes running

Week 2: In House Churches

  • Discussion in HCs based on last week’s sermon with questions, further ideas, Scripture etc to explore

Week 3: In our MCC buildings

  • Usual MCC worship likely

  • In-person sermon

  • Thrive & Youth programmes running

Week 4: In our MCC buildings in HCs

  • Various different corporate worship experiences likely

  • Discussion in HC groupings based on last week’s sermon with questions, further ideas, Scripture etc to explore (some groups may use other rooms at MCC)

  • Thrive & Youth programmes running (most times)

  • Shared lunch

The Difference between Small Groups and House Churches

We still have a number of MCC Small Groups meeting during the week. These are different to House Churches in a few ways:

  • They tend to be more homogenous with people of a similar age and stage in life meeting together

  • They set their own direction and are not bound by any teaching schedule set by the pastors

  • They have different intervals of time between meetings – some weekly, some fortnightly, some monthly

There is room and a role for both small groups and HCs at MCC and leadership will be supporting the continuation of small groups alongside our House Church and larger gathering structure.

If you’d like to talk more about this with one of our Leadership, please get in touch below:


MCC 2024: The Way of Jesus

Practices & Resources

Members of the early church were known as ‘followers of the way’. They didn’t just have a set of beliefs they signed up to. They lived a totally different way of life. it was a life of love, of justice for the vulnerable, a life built on a deep sense of community…things we are quite familiar with from the teachings of Jesus.

But it was also a way of life underpinned by practices which sustained and nourished and grew them as individuals and as community. These practices (or rhythms) led them into deep union with the Spirit of Jesus, and in turn gave them the power to live the radically different way of life Jesus had called them to. In 2024, we explore the fullness of living the way of Jesus, not just following his teachings, but imitating him in his rhythms, habits and practices.

Practices from this series:

Recommended Podcasts:

Much of our teaching in this series is based on John Mark Comer’s book ‘Practicing the Way’ and we highly recommend grabbing a copy of it, or tuning into his podcast vision series which does a fuller, more in depth dive into what it means to be with Jesus, become like him and do what he did.

Be With Jesus | Practicing the Way Vision Series E2 https://open.spotify.com/episode/1ZQemGtnjEX4FWHs4UA0bE?si=864e29143d044870

Hurry, the Great Enemy of the Spiritual Life | Practicing the Way Vision Series E10 https://open.spotify.com/episode/7KVPKLufiecoFNnnlQm8Yz?si=HKyd0IXLSaS9yy9zZCY_Vw

Can We Trust the Bible | Scripture Series E1 https://open.spotify.com/episode/0SM2q2Ijfes8ifaYIZp7p4?si=0Iluj_IIRF2gdnWeG7AF4w

The Bible As an Alternative Story | Scripture Series E2 https://open.spotify.com/episode/1t9haoflyaIL842vJX93Jw?si=gRmigox3T6ieVMuAh2EHLg

The Bible As Spiritual Authority | Scripture Series E3 https://open.spotify.com/episode/0XdUQy51AaL8bcfQr4Q2G5?si=ihCa6q8kRNupuqiuTbTa6A

To Starve the Flesh and Feed the Spirit | Fasting E1 https://open.spotify.com/episode/6djeiGeoIQZ3vJlpTOPjtq?si=598dc8b722b04ce0

To Pray | Fasting E2 https://open.spotify.com/episode/0pzDRXBIrT4frnytsAKfZN?si=e42edca7db54496e

The Propaganda of More | Simplicity E1 https://open.spotify.com/episode/4CvHrWeyzDUbMY49SnYKEX?si=3eb895d8d0a6492b

Simplicity of Heart| Simplicity E2 https://open.spotify.com/episode/3DWVPzjDCJA4BcKjTdmdAN?si=edb1e05e2e1249ab

Simplicity of Speech | Simplicity E3 https://open.spotify.com/episode/4oAdU7hC3VtbYKKczzIz4S?si=7fa9fbed319a4ce7

Simplicity of Stuff | Simplicity E4 https://open.spotify.com/episode/25Xi6De2EeUocseoPQMK3D?si=6bfb7a15c0934fc0

Jesus and the Lonely Place | Silence and Solitude E1 https://open.spotify.com/episode/5nJUl43JGrw6zh9kUVy0Z7?si=b6a8fe52fe4e42ff

Elijah and the Broom Tree | Silence and Solitude E2 https://open.spotify.com/episode/6NB9SqSNnxtF817V7Gn1rO?si=5f31e4de71f8498b

Recommended Readings:



What’s this series all about?

In this series we explore what it meant for first century disciples to follow a rabbi and what it means for us to follow Jesus. We land on our modern word ‘apprentice’ as the best equivalent word for someone who chooses Jesus as their teacher and Lord. What does it mean to be apprentices of Jesus? How does our life get arranged? What do our priorities become? And how do we do this in the midst of a world that is continually trying to squeeze us into its own mould?

MCC Sermons

If you missed a message in this series, we encourage you to catch up via our Spotify link here: https://open.spotify.com/show/1LRU2bjNuhx0dP3CFs85Uc

Recommended Practices

This year is about doing not just about learning. As important as learning and information is, information alone does not bring about transformation or Christ-likeness.

Here are some practices we would recommend for this series:


  • Do a life check in - Take 10 mins to create an overview of how you spend your time each day/week currently. Honestly and prayerfully, list how much time you spend each day or week on the following: work, sleep, exercise, screens/devices, hobbies, friends/family, time alone with God in prayer and Bible reading, connecting with other Christians, other.

  • Reflect on this list - asking God to guide you as you seek to prioritise time with him this year. What is the spirit of Jesus calling you to cull in order to prioritise life with him? Come before him in prayer with open hands giving him your schedule and your life.


  • Take 5 or 10 minutes each day this week for silence and solitude. -

Sitting quietly

Sitting looking at God’s creation or something else that inspires you


Looking up at God’s sky

Coming to Jesus with your children in your arms, just as he asked parents to do in his days on earth.

  • Using those minutes for Listening to God

But if you can take those few minutes – make coffee if that’s your thing, go somewhere quiet – and be with Jesus.

Don’t read. Don’t pray

Breathe slowly

Calm down.



Take 10 minutes to review your list from the first practice (Tina's)

Look at your daily habits. eg watching TV, scrolling on phone, exercise, eating, conversations, shopping, worry, sleep schedule ...

What is each of those habits doing to your heart?

Choose one that is preventing you from loving well, cut it out for a week and replace it with a Jesus practice 


Sit quietly and listen to a meaningful worship song

Choose a psalm and read it slowly 2-3 times asking God to highlight a line for you to focus on that day eg try Psalms 23, 8, 63

Go for a walk in nature and notice God in the beauty. 

Set aside an hour for Sabbath rest, relaxing in God's presence.

Fast one or two meals and use the time to reflect, pray, worship.

Consider how your lifestyle could be simplified - less stuff, less spending, less consuming, more generosity, and how you can make changes in line with the simplicity of Jesus’ life. 


We are aware that the first few weeks of the Practicing the Way series have given us all a lot to think about and process. For many of us, our busy lives leave little time to do that processing. This week we invite you to look back over the three previous practices and choose one that you may not have had a chance to do yet.

series 2: Practicing the way


Moment by Moment Awareness of God

- Refocusing our minds on God like a compass returning to the north - 

This week our practice aims to begin (or build on) our ability to live moment by moment in the presence of God.

This is a practice that takes time and training but really does work if we commit to it.

There are different pathways into a greater awareness of God. As Tina shared on Sunday, her pathway into a fuller awareness of God‘s presence was through gratitude. As she consciously chose to be grateful for the smallest of details in her day, she found after a while that her mind began doing it naturally and automatically, her thoughts returning again and again to a place of thankfulness to God. You may likewise choose to use gratitude to help grow a greater awareness of God in your life.

Here are some other ways you could begin or grow in this journey:

  1. A prayer you repeat to yourself over and over throughout your day eg “Jesus you are in this place, help me see you here.”

  2. A Bible verse you return to moment by moment throughout your day e.g. “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46v10 

We may feel some frustration when we realise it has been several hours since we have been conscious of God’s presence. Don’t feel any guilt or shame over this. Simply start again. Re-training takes time!

Don’t be discouraged if you do not sense much progress in the first week or two. It can take many weeks. But at some stage our brains will rewire and our mental compasses will swing unaided back to our true North. Hang in there! The joy is worth it. 

APRIL 21st: Slowing - iN a WORLD OF HURRY (HANNAH plews)

Practices for slowing your life based on suggestions in ‘The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry’ by John Mark Comer.

  1. Play some “games” that will help train your mind and body to go slow. See these things not as aggravations but as invitations to calm down. Try to actually enjoy the forced delay in your typically rapid forward motion. E.g. get into the longest line at the supermarket and don’t take out your phone; drive the speed limit; don’t text and drive; get into the slow lane of traffic and don’t try to overtake people.

  2. Look at your week and try to cut 1-3 things out of your weekly schedule. Now deliberately schedule in time to withdraw and be alone with God.

  3. Is your phone a constant distraction? Consider setting only specific times to check your email and use social media. Delete entire apps if that would be healthier. Is it time for you to parent your phone by putting it to bed like you would a child at a certain time each night and not looking at it again until a certain time in morning?


Reading, memorising, listening to Scripture has always been part of following Jesus. As Rod shared, if we want to be formed  into the likeness of Jesus, we have to be re-formed away from our world which is always seeking to shape us into its mould. Scripture is key in this re-shaping, renewing of our minds (Romans 12:1-2).

The Practice: This month, commit to reading Scripture in a more practiced and regular way, AND tell someone you are going to do it, so they can hold you accountable. Commit to 1-3-5-7... either once a week, three times a week, five times a week or seven times a week.

Stuck on what to read? Try the book of Mark (for an overview of Jesus' life) OR read a Psalm every day OR try a letter from an early church leader like Ephesians OR jump right back to the start and read Genesis.


Choose a Practice from the list below:

  1. Think of something you are struggling with. It could be a need for guidance or the strength to overcome or confession for something or concern for a situation or... Decide on a meal (or meals) that you can miss out on and spend time praying instead. Tell God your struggle and ask Him to give you the strength to face it and the ears to hear what God has to say. Notice over the next few hours and days what God is saying to you and doing. Share what God shows you with a safe person or your small group.

  2. Take some time to contemplate on and pray this prayer from Alyssa Woollard:

    "Lord, please forgive us for craving food more than you. Forgive us for craving anything more than you. Lord redirect our hunger. Be our God. Open our eyes to the benefits of fasting. Open our hearts to you like never before. Give us the desire to turn to you with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our strength. May we no longer live by bread alone but by every word that comes from your mouth Oh LORD. Teach us to fast so that we might hold fast to you. In Jesus Name, Amen."

  3. Read and reflect on Isaiah 58. What does this passage say to you? What areas of concern speak to you when it comes to fasting?


A simple practice to begin learning how to simplify our lives:

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.”

Each morning this week, ask God to tell you one thing that he wants you to trust in him about that day.


Choose one or the other:

1. If you are new to taking intentional time alone in the Quiet, with God, think about Place and Time.

  • Where and when can you just sit quietly and listen to God?

  • Talk to the people you live with about how to make this happen.

  • Start with five minutes. Don’t do anything. Just stay quiet and listen.

2. If you are ready to move more deeply into Quietness, listen to the John Mark Comer podcast on 1 Kings 19 - Elijah and the Broom Tree | Silence and Solitude E2: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6NB9SqSNnxtF817V7Gn1rO?si=bdc335185f574763

series 3: THE sabbath practice

July 7TH - August 25th

For Practices in this series, we went through ‘The Sabbath Practice’ booklet.

If you missed it and would like to pick up a booklet, let the team know - via ‘CONTACT’ below.

series 4: THE prayer practice

October 6th - November 25th

For Practices in this series, we went through ‘The Prayer Practice’ booklet.

If you missed it and would like to pick up a booklet, let the team know - via ‘CONTACT’ below.