Have your Say!


MOVING FORWARD - a bRIEF Questionnaire for MCC attendees – JUNE 2023

Kia ora MCC Whanau,

We have had almost a full year of our House Church Trial where HCs have been woven into a 4-weekly rotation, meeting on Week 2 (in homes) and 4 (in the building). We are now reviewing this to see what our gatherings will look like moving forward.

Once congregation feedback has been received, MCC leadership will consider this alongside our own sense of where God is guiding us as a church family.

Affirming the direction we feel God is taking us in requires us as a leadership team to seek confirmation from those we serve.

In light of this, we would ask you give us some feedback.

In this survey we would like you to choose how you would like to meet as a congregation moving forward.

Consider how you will best grow in your walk with God and remain connected to the church as a whole.

Thank you for your feedback. While leadership believe we have a sense of God’s direction, we value input from everyone in this process.

In His Love

MCC Pastors and Elders