Gatherings start at 10.30AM

Our Sunday Gathering is a chance for us to come together as a community of believers.

We spend time each Sunday worshipping together through music, prayer, and other creative means, hearing God’s word, and sharing together as community. There’s often cafe after the service, or morning tea. We always have coffee - come early and grab a cuppa before the service starts!

We would love for you to join us this Sunday- you’re welcome to come check us out any time! Here’s a bit more about what you can expect to experience at MCC when you visit.

There are three core components we emphasise: Worship, Teaching, and Community; here’s what we mean by that:


We offer a place for people to connect with God through a variety of means – music, prayer, Bible readings, creative items like dance and drama, responsive readings, and quiet reflection.


We are committed to the teaching of the Bible and believe it is the Word of God for his people today just as much as it was in the past. We have a range of teaching styles – expositional preaching, topical messages, story-telling, and small group (Ako) discussions which occur at the end of some series. Preaching is done by a variety of people who are approved by eldership and who have had theological and preaching training.


We believe that we are called to not only know and serve God, but to know and serve each other. We consider each other to be whanau and are committed to being involved in each other’s lives. We are not a spectator church. A range of people participate in up front roles on Sunday mornings and MCC members are encouraged to let others hear their voice and to share their stories about God’s work in their lives – both for their own and for others’ encouragement.


With our new rhythm we understand it can be difficult to know where we are on a Sunday. We hope the details below can help and we look forward to seeing you!